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Mirror Peanut Otter Misbehaves At His Babysitter is the 5th grounded video in the Mirror Peanut Otter Gets Grounded series with the plot and transcript being created by PB&JOtterisnumber1 and Dylan Priest.


Mrs. C babysits Mirror Peanut Otter while his normal clone, Sophie the Otter, Butter Otter, Jelly Otter, Dylan Priest, the good Warren Cook, and the ITV logo go to see Avatar (Flashback) at the Cinemas without him.


  • (June 21, 2020)
  • Sophie the Otter: "Mirror Peanut Otter, me, your normal clone, Butter Otter, Jelly Otter, Dylan Priest, the good Warren Cook, and the ITV logo are going to see Avatar (Flashback) at the Cinemas without you since you made us late to see the movie last week, so we hired a babysitter to babysit you while we're out."
  • Peanut Otter:
  • Mirror Peanut Otter: "Don't worry. I will."
  • (The doorbell rings)
  • Sophie the Otter: "Oh, it's you. Come on in."
  • (Mrs. C walks in)
  • Sophie the Otter: "You two have fun while we're out. Goodbye!"
  • (Sophie the Otter, Peanut Otter, Butter Otter, Jelly Otter, Dylan Priest, the good Warren Cook, and the ITV logo walk away)
  • Mrs. C: "Hello, Mirror Peanut Otter. I'm YankieDude5000's girlfriend, Mrs. C. I will be your babysitter today."
  • Mirror Peanut Otter: "Oh, shut your mouth, Mrs. C! I am going to make fake VHS openings again, and there is nothing you can stop me!"
  • Mrs. C: "Mirror Peanut Otter! That's not very nice of you! You don't talk to your babysitter like that."
  • (10 minutes later)
  • Mirror Peanut Otter: "It's time for me to go to school!"
  • Mrs. C: "Wait, Mirror Peanut Otter, are you forgetting something?"
  • Mirror Peanut Otter: "What?"
  • Mrs. C: "Your diaper! You need to wear a diaper when you go to school!"
  • Mirror Peanut Otter: "What the hell are you talking about! I don't have any diapers!"
  • Mrs. C: "What?! You don't have any diapers!"
  • Mirror Peanut Otter: "Of course I don't have any diapers you freaking piece of crap!"
  • Mrs. C: "Mirror Peanut Otter! Don't you curse at me! In that case, we will have to go to Walmart and get you some diapers!"
  • Mirror Peanut Otter: "Heck no! I don't want to wear a diaper when I go to school! Take a look at me! Don't I look like a baby to you?!"
  • (Mirror Peanut Otter shrunk down to baby size and then grows back up again]
  • Mrs. C: "Don't you curse at me! Get in the car right now!"
  • ( The car drove off to Walmart. )
  • (At Walmart)
  • Mrs. C: "Hi, do you have any diapers?"
  • Store Manager: "Sure I have. Here you go!"
  • Mrs. C: "Thank you!"
  • Store Manager: "You're welcome!"
  • Mirror Peanut Otter: "Please don't do this, Mrs. C! Besides, if I wear a diaper to school, everyone will laugh at me!"
  • Mrs. C: "You are wearing a diaper to school and that's final!"
  • (At home)
  • Mrs. C: "Alright, Mirror Peanut Otter. Lie down so I can put this diaper on you!"
  • (Mirror Peanut Otter lays down on his back and Mrs. C puts a diaper on her)
  • Mirror Peanut Otter: "Ouch! That diaper hurts so bad."
  • Mrs. C: "Would you like to call your normal clone, Sophie the Otter, Butter Otter, Jelly Otter, Dylan Priest, the good Warren Cook, and the ITV logo?"
  • Mirror Peanut Otter: "Yes please."
  • Mirror Peanut Otter: "Hello, Sophie the Otter, Peanut Otter, Butter Otter, Jelly Otter, Dylan Priest, the good Warren Cook, and the ITV logo. Please come home. I want to tell you something."
  • (When Sophie the Otter, Peanut Otter, Butter Otter, Jelly Otter, Dylan Priest, the good Warren Cook, and the ITV logo get home)
  • Sophie the Otter: "So how was Mirror Peanut Otter?"
  • Mrs. C: "He was cursing a lot and very naughty!"
  • Dylan Priest: "Mirror Peanut Otter, how dare you misbehave at your babysitter while me, your normal clone, Sophie the Otter, Butter Otter, Jelly Otter, Dylan Priest, the good Warren Cook, and the ITV logo were at the movies watching Avatar (Flashback)!"
  • Mirror Peanut Otter: "But it's not what you think. Mrs. C made me wear a diaper!"
  • Sophie the Otter: "Good! That is your punishment! You'll be wearing diapers forever! And you will go pee pees and poop poops in your diaper instead of the toilet. And we will burn all your underwear and destroy the toilet!"
  • Mrs. C: "And you will also be forced to watch TV shows not made by Disney, Cartoon Network, Fresh TV, Nickelodeon, Cartoon Pizza, DiC or AKA Cartoon like Futurama, The Simpsons,
  • Sophie the Otter: "You are grounded (10x) for broncoplex years!"
  • Dylan Priest: "Not only you will be wearing diapers forever, but you're also getting no computer, no YouTube, no Facebook, no Twitter, no Instagram, no fake VHS and DVD stuff, no Disney, Cartoon Network, Fresh TV, Nickelodeon, Cartoon Pizza, DiC and AKA Cartoon movies and TV shows, no Nintendo and Sega video games, no
  • Mirror Peanut Otter: "Don't tell me what to do you pieces of crap! Freak you guys for asking Mrs. C to put a diaper on me without telling me. And Mrs. C, freak you for going to Walmart, putting a diaper on me and getting me grounded! And you know what! I'm going to make the opening to
  • (Mirror Peanut Otter runs away. Sophie the Otter, Peanut Otter, Butter Otter, Jelly Otter, Dylan Priest, the good Warren Cook, the ITV logo and Mrs. C chase after him)
  • Sophie the Otter: "You get back here right now!"
  • (In Mirror Peanut Otter's room.)
  • Mirror Peanut Otter: "There! Now I'm going to post it on YouTube!"
  • Sophie the Otter: "If you click on the post button, you will be in even more trouble!"
  • (Mirror Peanut Otter clicks on the post button)
  • Peanut Otter: "Oh! (20x) That's it! We're going to give you a thousand punches!"
  • [The TV static occurs followed by a technical difficulties sign.]
  • The End.